Wednesday, November 30, 2005

An Unsolved Mystery

Much to the chargin of a large percentage of the people I know, it has never failed to mystify me as to how computer engineering or software engineering or whatever else it's called can ever be a career. I mean, come on man, HOW can one spend one's whole life in front of a computer and typing in nonsense to make a machine do something for you? If English is considered as a complex language with innumerable oddities, then I wonder what we can call even the simplest computer programming "language".... I am more shocked when I come to realise that I too had fallen into this mental madness and misconception that computer engieering is the greatest career in the world, a sure-shot way to enter George W. Bush territory. I used to believe that I would one day enter an ivy-league college and key in a program that would revolutionise the software industry... The infinitely useful gift of hindsight has helped one word to come to my lips - outrageous!! Two weeks of a non-engineering course put my mind back on track, returned me to this Earth, restored sanity in my thinking.

The bottomline is this - software engineers are slaves - slaves of the machine they spend three-quarters of their life with, and slaves of the mammoth companies which have made their fortunes on these poor engineers' plights. While it may be true that they have indirectly made everybody's lives better, they are also indirectly responsible for a large number of worries that we have today. Where would viruses, spam and hackers be if not for the advances made in the industry? O privacy, where art thou? However, I seem to be digressing here. I cannot understand how one can isolate oneself from all human interaction and yet be alive enough to carry on with life. A computer is an excellent means of communication and a toy par excellence, but is it the centre of life, the centre of existence? I have to take a leaf out of a book on jurisprudence and draw the classic difference between what ought to be and what is. In this case, hundreds of thousands of thousands of people (and many of my friends) ought not to be doing what they are doing.

Looking at it as a lawyer, I find the software engineers downright daft and as ignorant of their rights as the flood-hit, drought-hit, starvation-hit tribals from interior Orissa. The argument advanced by the engineers and the aforementioned tribals are shockingly similar - as long as we have enough to live, who gives a damn about rights? When one spends four years (and a little more, because of the stint at the ivy league Univ) in strenuous academix pursuit, does one divorce oneself from all common sense entirely? As a defence, software engineers may say that they are as much GIGO ("garbage in, garbage out") as their pet machines; hence the lack of common sense, but as a counter, I say that you don't send the computers to college, do you? These poor souls are the victims of the latest form of slavery. I have received information from reliable sources that there exists not one trade union in the entire software industry, that not a single software "professional" knows the meaning of collective bargaining. The Government websites glorify the fact that the IT industry has been spared from the ambit of a large number of labour laws. Capitalism may be the emerging world order, but we must remember that those bearing the brunt of capitalistic colonialism are also human beings having equal rights to those on the cushy end of the stick. According to me, the fault is not entirely that of capitalism, nor can it be blamed on an overenthusiastic and greedy Government. The engineers themselves have a large role to play. Can I hear someone saying, "Software professionals and zombies of the world unite!"?......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had been working for AT&T as a contract engineer then my contract expired (North Andover, Massachusetts, USA). I took a couple of classes to fill the time. I met a guy in my class who was a mechanical engineer. I remember him saying to me "Engineers are just highly paid niggers". I was shocked! Ten years later I have to agree. I am burnt out and want another career. My apologies for using the "n" word. Also, I think a form of socialism will be better than capitalism.